On January 20, Delhi's Education Minister, Atishi Marlena, instructed officials to develop a hybrid learning strategy for schools. The goal is to ensure that adverse weather conditions, such as heat waves and fog, do not disrupt classes. According to an official announcement, the directive calls for the Delhi Model Virtual Schools (DMVS) programme to be integrated with the Delhi government's traditional physical school model.
"Schooling in Delhi is frequently disrupted by extreme weather, such as heat waves in the summer and fog in the winter. We will make all Delhi government schools hybrid using DMVS so that our children's education is not hampered by the vagaries of the weather," Atishi stated.
The Delhi government plans to establish a hybrid learning environment in all schools through the DMVS initiative to safeguard students' education from being disrupted by adverse weather conditions, as noted by the minister.
She further added, "For those children who cannot reach school, the Delhi government is taking the finest education to them through DMVS."
Despite the foggy and cold weather, Delhi schools have resumed in-person classes for all grade levels. As of January 15, 2024, students from Delhi government schools, government-aided institutions, and recognised private schools, including those in nursery, kindergarten, and primary classes, had returned to their respective schools in person.
At present, the Delhi Model Virtual Schools (DMVS) provide virtual education services to students in grades 9 through 12. DMVS also provides test preparation assistance to students in Delhi government schools preparing for exams like NEET, JEE, and CUET.