Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel unveiled two schemes aimed at providing financial assistance to students in Classes 9 to 12, with a budget allocation of Rs 1,650 crore. The first scheme, "Namo Lakshmi Yogana," will offer Rs 50,000 over four years to girls in Classes 9 to 12. The second scheme, "Namo Saraswati Vigyan Sadhana Yojana," will provide Rs 25,000 to both girls and boys in the science stream in Classes 11 and 12. These initiatives align with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's commitment to girls' education and the promotion of science education, according to a government release.
The schemes were inaugurated by the chief minister at Gyanda High School in Ahmedabad, with approximately 35,000 students from primary and secondary schools, as well as educators from across the state, participating virtually. Patel conveyed the prime minister's congratulatory message, highlighting that the schemes aim to empower women and youth through education while ensuring their well-being.
The "Namo Lakshmi Yojana" seeks to facilitate girls' admission to higher secondary schools from Classes 9 to 12 and address their nutritional requirements. The scheme covers girls enrolled in government, aided, and private schools. The government has allocated Rs 1,650 crore in this year's budget for these schemes. Beneficiary students under the "Namo Lakshmi Yojana" will receive Rs 500 per month for 10 months each year, with the remaining Rs 10,000 disbursed after passing the Class 10 board exam.